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Monastery in Bieniszew

Monastery in Bieniszew

At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, there were seven Camaldolese monasteries in Poland. However, only two of them survived the turmoil of history. The hermitage in Bieniszew is therefore truly unique. Located atop "Sowia Góra" ("Owl Mountain") and surrounded by the forests of Kazimierz, it is a place of recollection and prayer for the sins of the world.

According to legend, in the year 1003, five Brothers of St. Romuald suffered martyrdom at the site of the monastery. They are considered by many to be the first Camaldolese monks in Poland.

Every Sunday at 10:30 AM, a grand Mass is celebrated at the hermitage in Bieniszew, which is open to all, including women. Additionally, the monastery opens its doors to the public three days a year: on the second day of Pentecost, July 2, and September 8. On these days, visitors are welcome. Men may enter the church daily at the following times: 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 15:00, 16:00, and 17:00. Monastic prayers take place at the following hours: 4:00–7:15, 11:45–15:00, and 17:30–19:30.

The monastery is open to women at the following times:

  • Every Sunday from 10:00 to 11:30 (during the Holy Mass)
  • September 7 from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
  • September 8 (annual fair) from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM
  • Christmas (December 25 and 26) and Easter (Sunday and Easter Monday) from 10:00 to 11:30 (during the Holy Mass)

Klasztor Ojców Kamedułów [Erem Pięciu Braci Męczenników]
Bieniszew, 62-530 Kazimierz Biskupi
Tel. +48 63 241 15 00

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klasztor w bieniszewie
klasztor w bieniszewie
klasztor w bieniszewie
klasztor w bieniszewie
klasztor w bieniszewie
klasztor w bieniszewie
klasztor w bieniszewie
klasztor w bieniszewie
klasztor w bieniszewie
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