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Szlak Klasztorów

Within the area of the Konin district there are three preserved monasteries: the monastery of the Bernardine order in Kazimierz Biskupi, the monastery of the Camaldolite Brothers in Bieniszew and the Reformers monastery in Konin. Including the monastic houses of the Franciscan order in Pyzdry, Cistercian order in Ląd, Bernardine order in Koło and Carmelite one in Kłodawa.
They create a tourist trail with cultural, educational and pilgrimage character. Those who are interested may learn about the history of each of the orders, particular monasteries, their roles and functions within the catholic communion, as well as their art and their contribution in the economic life of the region.
The aim of this educational route is to show difference between a monastery and an abbey. The first term indicates a seat of a convent of a religious order, while the second one determines its legal and spatial connections, hence it determines a kind of structure. Numerous works of art, collected during centuries, serving mainly the sacred aims, show the artistic patronage of many orders, liturgical calendar specific for each of the temples and the rule, which had a significant influence on the iconic form of the works of art, architectural shape of the monastic facilities, etc.
The Bernardine monastery (Observants) in Kazimierz Biskupi was built in the years 1507-1513-1523. Its role in propagating the cult of Five Martyr Brothers cannot be overestimated. What is more, the church was erected in place of chapel devoted to St. John, one of the hermits, murdered in 1003. This monastic house was dissolved at the end of the 19th. century. During the interwar period in the 20th century the Missionaries of the Holy Family, who continue to cultivate the tradition of the cult related with the Five Martyr Brothers – the first Polish saints, settled here. Bernardine monks
When the “Lives” of these saints, written by Marcin Baroniusz, were issued in Italy Monte Orone Camaldolese Order and the whole Congregation of the Camaldoli Coronation Mountain showed an increased interest in the place of their martyrdom. Brother Silvan, who caused the foundation of the monastery in Bieniszew (1663).
Polish Camaldolese Trail
Origins of the Reformers’ house in Konin in Przedmieście Kolskie, founded during the forth decade of the 17th century by Modlibogowski are related with the intensification of the activity concerning the Reformed Evangelical Church (Calvinistic) in Żychlin.
Orders, which had a structure expanded throughout the whole continent constituted important places of European thought and culture exchange. Temporary exhibitions organised in the Zofia Urbanowska Memorial Chamber  in Kowalew (Rzgów municipality), being a part of Art and Cultural Centre in Konin, and in the City Public Library aim to popularise the knowledge concerning this subject. A great exhibition presenting history and culture of the Camaldolese order is anticipated for the 2006 summer season.

Prepared by Paulina Wojtyniak

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