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Cooperation with Slovak organizations

Wizyta przedstawicieli Powiatu Konińskiego w Povazska Bystrica na SłowacjiApprenticeship in Povazska Bystrica

Thanks to Puchov's Mayor's invitation, on 22 and 23 September 2005, a delegation consisting of: Konin Starost Stefan Dziamara, the director of the board of the Konin Province Piotr Matyba and Henryk Janasek - the principal of ZSEiU in Żychlin, made an official visit to Povazska Bystrica in Slovakia.

The objective of the visit was to summarize the stay of students from Żychlin and Sompolno in Slovakia. Their stay was a part of the agreement regarding the student exchange (Konin Province - Slovakian Puchov) as a part of their apprenticeship in the fields of the hotel industry and gastronomy.

On 23rd of September, during the meeting with the authorities of Puchov, the delegation from the Konin Province took part in a display of culinary skills of the apprentices from the Polish schools.

Pokaz umiejętności kulinarnych młodzieży Zespołu Szkół Ekonomiczno-Usługowych w Żychlinie podczas wizyty w Povazska Bystrica na Słowacji
From 4th of September, a group of fourteen students specializing in dietary technicians and culinary had been gaining new experiences while working in the restaurant and hotel Student Zadruzenej Strednej Skoly Hotelowyh Sluzieb A Obchodu w Povarzskiej Bystricy. The apprenticeship included classes taking place in the kitchen, in the hotel and in the dining hall.

The recipes of traditional Slovakian dishes and drinks, the way they are decorated and served and the way the tables in the dining hall are arranged gained great interest from the Polish students.
They have gained lots of new skills, i.e. carving fruit and vegetables and cake decorating techniques. The three-week apprenticeship and successes earned in multiple competitions helped them believe in their own strengths and discover new gifts within themselves.

An additional attraction during their stay were hikes in the beautiful Slovakian mountains and sightseeing in Puchov, Nimnica, Dubnica, Żylin and Bojnice.
In the afternoons, the students could spend time getting to know their Slovakian friends' culture and traditions better. Thanks to the kindness and hospitality of the hosts, the duration of the apprenticeship held a kind and pleasant atmosphere.
The beginnings of a friendship and willingness to cooperate from both sides seem like a great start for a future bond between the regions. We are hoping for the further development of a partnership, especially when it comes to student exchange between the two schools.
Thanks to these forms of cooperation with foreign partners, we will be able to ensure attractive and interesting forms of education and professional development.

Bronze medal for the students of SOS-W in Rychwał

In Liptovský Mikuláš, on 21-25 of March 2009, there took plac5th International festival-competition for children "Mountain Constellation". The international panel of judges consisting of dance academy professors, choreographers, artists and the representatives of ministries, after three days of various presentations, has decided to grant the following prizes: the third place and the bronze festival statuette was granted to SOS-W Rychwał, the second place was granted to DancArt from Portugal and the first place and the gold statuette was granted to Top Dens group from Israel. The Grand Prix prize was granted to the Russian group Impulse, coordinated by Irina Dynko.
Młodzież ze Specjalnego Ośrodka Szkolno - Wychowawczego w Rychwale z wizytą w Liptowskim Mikulaszu
The participation of Polish students was a great opportunity to get to know other nations' cultures better and to bond with their foreign friends. Moreover, every participant of the festival had the opportunity to get to know the tourist attractions of the region: a tour of the Demianowskie Caves and Liptowski Mikulasz, as well as visiting the Thermal Waterpark - Tatralandia, located among the beautiful scenery of the mountains, along the northern coast of the Liptowska Mara lake, with a view on the high and low Tatry Mountains.

Professional apprenticeship of the Slovakian students

For the last couple of years, ZSEU in Żychlin has been in contact with the Hotel School in Puchov, which, among others, organizes a student exchange. This time, young Slovaks visited our province to take part in the "Fish and their role in human diet" project organized as a part of the EU Project "Leonardo da Vinci".

In the span of three weeks of the internship (from 11 to 28 May 2010), the students from Puchov learned the secrets and tips of our regional cuisine and found out how to prepare dishes based on various kinds of fish. Their customer service and culinary skills were perfected in culinary establishments in Konin: "Hutnik", "Grodzka", "Kresowianka", "Nautia", "Pałacyk". They also visited "ACIPOL" in Gosławice, where they learned the modern methods of breeding various kinds of fish, as well as the process of their processing.

Additional experience for the Slovaks came from afternoon classes. Besides sightseeing different parts of the Konin Province, on their tour they saw Toruń, Kętrzyn, Olsztyn, Święta Lipka and Mikołajki.

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Implementation: WR Consulting