Kozjatyn Region is located in the northern part of Vinnica Province, in the very center of Ukraine. It was formed in 1923 as a result of administrative-territory reform of the state. This region can pride itself on its rich history.
It is characterized by temperate – continental climate with an average year temperature of 6,5°C (in summer it reaches 40°C, and the lowest temperature in winter is -38°C). Agricultural soils take up 85% of the whole area (113,1 thousand ha) of the Kozjatyn Region. 74 administrative places belonging to the Region are inhabited with 74,4 thousand people. Industrial sector of Kozjatyn Region consists of 17 plants, which operate within the three industrial fields of state economy. Leading place belongs to the food industry and agricultural products processing industry. The main products produced in the region are: sugar, bread, butter, meat and meat products, cake products, canned products.
The most important enterprises functioning in the region are three sugar factories: "Mykolaiwska Sugar Factory", "Brodecka Sugar Factory", "Macharynecka Sugar Factory", and "Kozjatyński Poultry Processing Plant", Kozjatyńska Dairy "Winnica Dairy", Głuchowecka Kaolin Processing Plant and "Żeżelewska Granite Mine".
Kozjatyn city, which is 75 km away from Vinnica and 172 km away from Kiyv, is a seat of city and regional authorities.
Oleg Orkusza is a main Administrator of Kozjatyn Region (Chairman of Regional Administration).
Konin County has been working with Kozjatyn Region since 2005.