Other contacts
The province of Ascoli Piceno is located in the southern part of the Marche region in Italy. Its borders are marked in the north by the Ete Morto and Tenna rivers, and in the south by the Tronto river, which also forms the border with the Abruzzo region.
Since November 2001, when a delegation of the provincial administrative and local government authorities along with a group of entrepreneurs visited, the Konin district has participated in the implementation of a multilateral cooperation agreement between the province of Ascoli Piceno and the districts of Konin, Koło, Turek and Słupca.
As a part of this cooperation, a Convention was held in Ascoli Piceno on 27-28 September 2002, organised by the administration of the Province of Ascoli Piceno together with the Union of Italian Provinces (UPI), and in cooperation with AICCRE (the Italian section of the Council of European Local Governments and Regions). The Convention was devoted to the role of local authorities in the EU institutional system and the system of exercising power. One of the participants (the onlyrepresentative of the candidate countries to the European Union) of the Convention was Elżbieta Streker-Dembińska - the Starost of Konin at the time. The participants of the Convention discussed topics such as: the role and participation of local and territorial governments, intermediate bodies in the process of transformation of European institutions and the European system of governance or broadening the knowledge of representatives of institutions and society.
The meeting was divided into three panels:
1. The reflection on "Titolo V" of the second part of the Italian Constitution, in the context of possible results of the work carried out by the European Convention;
2. The analysis of various institutional structures and territorial bodies in various countries of the European Union (provinces, departments, multi-local territories, unpublished functional configurations, etc.);
3. The reform of institutions and the European system of governance.
As a part of the panel discussions, the Starost of Konin presented a paper titled: "Europe of territories - management, development, cohesion, enlargement".
In turn, on 8-11 September 2004, during the visit of the Konin starost Elżbieta Streker-Dembińska to Ascoli Piceno, the Protocol for 2004 to the cooperation agreement was accepted. The starost took part in the closing of the Konin - Ascoli Piceno Bicycle Rally as well.
Thanks to the goodwill of the provincial authorities, on 30 September - 1 October, the Italian delegation took part in the international conference "Disabled persons in the local community" in Mikorzyn.