Ślesin Town and Commune
ul. Napoleona 15b
62-561 ŚLESIN
phone: +48/63/ 270 40 11
fax: +48/63/ 270 41 98
Mayor - Piotr Maciejewski
Chairman of the Town Council - Piotr Kaczmarek
www: www.slesin.pl
e-mail: sekretariat@slesin.pl
A large, urban-rural commune located in the central part of the Konin County. The commune's area takes up 146 square kilometers and consists of 26 villages. The population is 14 thousand people, including 3,15 thousand people living in Ślesin. The town is located on the main road No 25 leading from Ostrów Wielkopolski to Bydgoszcz.
The history of Ślesin dates back to 1231, when duke Konrad Mazowiecki presented the village of Szleszyno to Poznań bishops. In 1358, king Kazimierz Wielki gave the village its municipal rights. In 1870, the Tsarist Government revoked the municipal rights as the repression for the January Uprising. The rights were reinstated in 1921.
Since the 15th century, Ślesin is given a significant trade track; its importance grew when the capital had been moved from Kraków to Warsaw. One of the customs chambers of former Konin County (Kleczew, Tuliszków, Rudzica near Konin) was also situated here.
Triumphal Arch with a Napoleonic eagle, established in honor of Napoleon, serves as an original historical monument of Ślesin. It was established in 1812 by Ślesin townspeople, according to the local tradition. Other monuments include a neogothic St. Mikołaj's church from the beginning of the 20th century, with the stone stoup from the turn of 19th and 20th centuries. The Mielżyńskis' palace in Piotrkowice from the turn of 18th and 19th centuries also deserves recognition.
In Licheń Stary village, former town (1458), situated about 9 km from Ślesin, there is the well-known Holy Virgin Sanctuary - a popular destination of pilgrimages. The importance of the Sanctuary is increased by the five-nave basilica consecrated in June 2004 with whole area of 10 000 m2. The height of the main nave is 40 meters. The basilica can house 7 000 seating and 10 000 standing people.
A particular advantage of the commune is that it has the perfect conditions for both relaxation and recreation. There is a group of large lakes within the commune - including Ślesińskie, Wąsowsko-Mikorzyńskie, Licheńskie lakes and large forest areas (taking up 20% of the commune's area). This part of the commune belongs to the Gopło-Kujawy landscape preserve. The lakes are connected with the Warta-Gopło canal and create a long, beautifully located tourist route. Numerous resorts are located on the lakes along with various Commune Sports and Recreation Centres.
The commune's economy is dominated by agriculture. The total area of agricultural land within the commune is 8,6 thousand hectares, and that is mainly arable land. The pastures make up 15,1%, and orchards 1,8% of the total agricultural land. The main crops are rye and potatoes, but also wheat, sugar beets and fodder. The livestock is mostly pigs and cattle. The commune has about 1,3 thousand of individual farms.
The lignite is mined in the southern part of the commune. As a result of that, a lake with a modern base for divers has been created in Honoratka. And because of the clay materials mined during outcrops, the building materials industry has developed.
In total, in the commune there are about 600 non-agricultural businesses employing 1,7 thousand people, including 600 people in the industry.