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Kazimierz Biskupi Commune

Kazimierz Biskupi Commune

Plac Wolności 1
phone: +48/63/ 241 12 10
fax: +48/63/ 241 12 15

Mayor - Grzegorz Maciejewski
Chairman of the Town Council - Aleksandra Nożewska

Zespół klasztorny benedyktynów w Kazimierzu BiskupimAn industrial and agricultural commune situated in the central part of the county. Consists of 18 villages. The commune's area is 108 square kilometers and it is populated by 11,3 thousand people.

Kazimierz Biskupi was probably established by the king Kazimierz Odnowiciel in the middle of 11th century. Since the year 1237 till 1504, the village was a property of Lubuskie bishops, residing at the temples in Lubusz and Fürstenwalde (Germany) and Gorzyca (near Słubice upon Odra). Kazimierz obtained the municipal rights in the late 13th century. During Swedish wars in 1655-60 and 1707, the intruders ruined the town. Kazimierz Biskupi lost the municipal rights during the partition period in 1870. During World War II, an extermination of Polish and Jewish people took place on the territory of commune. In Kazimierskie Forests (Wygoda – Las Krężel place) there perished about 8000 Jews.

The contemporary, post-war development of the commune and the town of Kazimierz Biskupi hapenned thanks to the Konin Lignite Mine. In 1962, there started building of the first strip mine KWB "Kazimierz"; it involved the northern part of the town along with a country manor, park and living buildings up to the Rynek level.

The eventful history of Kazimierz - the oldest sanctuary-town in Wielkopolska - is reflected in the existing monuments. The most known historical places are: originally Romanesque St. Marcin’s church from the end of 12th century, with the preserved elements of Romanesque and Gothic style; post-Bernadine late baroque church of Five Martyr Brothers and St. John the Baptist, nowadays called the monastery of Holy Family’s Priests Missionaries, which construction was carried in 1513-20. It was reconstructed after the Swedish war destructions in the late 18th century; a 17th century wooden St. Izaak's church located in the cemetery; an 18th century Kameduli monastery in Bieniszew; the boulder commemorating Johann Reinhold Patkul - the leader of anti-Swedish resistance in Inflanty, who was executed in Kazimierz in 1707 in the presence of the King of Sweden, Charles XII.

The county is rich in gorgeous natural monuments - the preserves of Mielno, Sokółki, Bieniszew and Pustelnik, all situated in the Kazimierski Forest. These forests, along with Głodowskie lake and forest reservoirs - Skąpe and Wściekłe lakes being a part of Powidz-Bieniszew protected scenery area - make a natural basis for tourism and leisure.

In the area of the former mine, there are many sports and recreation objects nowadays, including the Konin Aeroclub airstrip, a stadium, a shooting range and a sports arena. The Commune Cultural Centre in Kazimierz Biskupi is very active.

The economy of the commune is industrial and agricultural. The industrial character is determined by mined lignite deposits and industrial plants supporting lignite mining. Altogether, in the commune there are more than 320 non-agricultural businesses, employing over 1 550 people.

There is a dynamic development of the private sector. Thanks to this, Kazimierz Biskupi commune takes second place (after Stare Miasto commune) among the other 14 communes of the county, according to the number of business entities. The biggest development tendencies in the commune arevisible through the establishing of trading, construction, production and transporting subjects. There dominate trade and services.

The agricultural land is 4,1 thousand hectares in area, of which 3,4 thousand hectares is arable, 133 hectares is orchards and 517 hectares is meadows and pastures. The area of forests is about 2,9 thousand hectares. The crops are mostly rye and potatoes, but also wheat, barley and oats. The main livestock is pigs. In the commune there are about 606 individual farms.

Gmina Kazimierz Biskupi
Gmina Kazimierz Biskupi
Gmina Kazimierz Biskupi
Gmina Kazimierz Biskupi
Gmina Kazimierz Biskupi
Gmina Kazimierz Biskupi
Gmina Kazimierz Biskupi
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