The protected landscape area includes areas protected due to the distinctive landscape with diverse ecosystems, which are valuable due to the possibility of satisfying the needs related to tourism and recreation or fulfilling the function of ecological corridors.
The Powidz-Bieniszewo area covers an area of 2547 ha. It is an important ecological link in the protection system due to the highest concentration of natural, sightseeing and recreational values in the region. It covers the southern part of the Gniezno Lakeland with the remnants of the former Bieniszew Primeval Forest and partly the areas of the Wilczyn, Kazimierz Biskupi, Głodów and Bieniszew forestry.
This area is the most important ecological link of the protection system due to the greatest concentration of natural, sightseeing and recreational values. Its range covers a fragment of the Gniezno Lakeland connected by a series of terminal moraine hills along with the remnants of the former Puszcza Bieniszewska (Bieniszew old-growth forest). It is also attractive in terms of morphology. Its youthful glacial sculpture is related to the results of the last Weichselian glaciation. It is characterized by an enormous variety of forms such as glacial gutters, terminal moraine hills, flat and wavy surface of the ground moraine, fissure forms and sander plain with three levels of backfilling.
The moraine hills stretch all the way from Powidz to Konin. They reach a height of 125 m above sea level, with relative heights of up to 20 m and slopes of up to 30 degrees. They have a varied relief, from distinct ramparts with a flat top to a couple of rising hills. The geological structure of these moraines is varied. Glacial gutters are particularly interesting due to their steep and high edges reaching up to 10-15 meters. They form a system of long, parallel lowerings. They contrast with numerous irregularly shaped ground moraine's outflow depressions.
The Powidz-Bieniszewo area is used both as a leisure and recreational area. Various hiking trails pass through there. The protected zone connects with the Warta valley through a series of terminal moraine hills throughout the Bieniszew Forest and the Meszna valley, with an artificial reservoir north of Słupca. The forest, Puszcza, is the remains of a large forest complex, preserved to this day, in part of the Głodów-Pątnów gutter. Among the forest hills we can find numerous small lakes. A great diversity of habitats can be found here. In the south-east, there is a rich oak-hornbeam forest and in the south-west and north-west there is a mixed forest, while in the central part is covered by a poor oak-hornbeam forest, ash-alder and alder riparian forest. In the area of the Bieniszew old growth several forest reserves have been established.
Obszar Złotogórski (The Golden Hill Area) - covers an area of 1890 ha. The western border, starting from the village of Tuliszków, runs through Żychlin, Brzeźno, along the Warta valley to Cichów, then through Nowa Wieś and other towns it returns back to Tuliszków.
The Złotogórski area consists of three hills. One of them, Złota Góra, reaches the height of 187 m above sea level and is the highest in the region. These are fissure forms that had formed during the Riss glaciation. They are made out of easily permeable sand and gravel sediments and are exposed to erosion near the deep surface of the groundwater. Therefore, the forests on the hills protect the slopes against landslides.
In the upper parts of the forest, the stand is old, with a predominance of oak prevails. The lower parts are covered with pine with a variety of oak, rowan, hornbeam and hazel. There are monuments of interest in it - among others: the ruins of the renaissance castle in Wyszyna, churches in the Old Town, Żychlin and Wyszyna, and manor parks in Brzeźno, Żychlin, Chylin and Grzymiszewo.
The Goplańsko-Kujawski area covers an area of 5789 ha. The western boundary of the area begins at the mouth of the Morzysławski Canal in the Warta valley and runs along with the canal to the north, through Lake Gosławskie, Ślesin and other towns, the Kujawsko-Pomorskie lake district, making a full circle to the Warta valley in the village of Koło.
This area belongs to the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Lakeland, it covers areas of various origins. Within its borders there is a marginal zone of the last glacial and fragments of the area covered by the Riss glaciation. These changes are most noticeable in the vicinity of the village of Mąkolno. The remaining area, with its youth-glacial relief, is the glacial gutters with lakes, ie the lakes Ślesińskie, Lichenskie and Lubstowskie, undulating bottom moraine with the upper section of the Noteć river; small patches of sander sand near Brdów and Piotrowice); and clusters of slotted forms. These areas are adjacent and thus contrast with the flat Kramski depression, carved by the retreating waters of the Weichselian glaciation. Among the vast, flat meadows there are inselbergs of upland "islands" with steep slopes.
This vast area has a very varied relief. Here we can see numerous lakes, river valleys, depressions with small forests and trees. The habitats of poor hornbeam forests dominate here, in the vicinity of Kramsk there is an elm and ash forest habitat, in the river valleys and gutters of lakes there are ash and alder riparian forests and alder forests, and in the vicinity of Lake Mąkolno, oak clusters. Generally, this area is characterized by low forest cover. In the vicinity of Wola Podłężna and Grąblin, there are several dozen-year-old oak forests mixed with pine crops with hornbeam and rowan. A similar forest cluster can be found north of Lichen Stary. Old coniferous stands dominate to a large extent, and they are also accompanied by young forests. Within the Protected Area there are two nature reserves: forest - Kawęczyńskie Brzęki and Nadgoplański Park Tysiąclecia.
The landscape is diversified by numerous lakes of natural origin and the so-called peat bogs formed after the exploitation of peat. Such relief is the effect of the marginal zone of the ice sheet. Rush and marsh vegetation is abundantly developing around the lakes and ponds.
In the village of Mąkolno there is a wooden church from the 17th century, while in Lubstów, a few kilometers away, there is a neoclassical palace and a baroque church. A particularly noteworthy monument is the Marian Sanctuary located in the village of Licheń Stary. Worth visiting are also: the baroque church with the monastery of the Pauline Fathers in Brdów; a neo-Gothic church with a wooden chapel of the 17th century in the town of Sompolno, as well as a dozen or so manor parks scattered over agricultural areas within the Gopla - Kujawy area. The richness of the lakes allows the use of these areas for recreational and leisure purposes. Recreation centers are located in the western and northern parts of the municipalities of Skulsko, Ślesin and Sompolno.
The Powidz-Bieniszewo area covers an area of 2547 ha. It is an important ecological link in the protection system due to the highest concentration of natural, sightseeing and recreational values in the region. It covers the southern part of the Gniezno Lakeland with the remnants of the former Bieniszew Primeval Forest and partly the areas of the Wilczyn, Kazimierz Biskupi, Głodów and Bieniszew forestry.
This area is the most important ecological link of the protection system due to the greatest concentration of natural, sightseeing and recreational values. Its range covers a fragment of the Gniezno Lakeland connected by a series of terminal moraine hills along with the remnants of the former Puszcza Bieniszewska (Bieniszew old-growth forest). It is also attractive in terms of morphology. Its youthful glacial sculpture is related to the results of the last Weichselian glaciation. It is characterized by an enormous variety of forms such as glacial gutters, terminal moraine hills, flat and wavy surface of the ground moraine, fissure forms and sander plain with three levels of backfilling.
The moraine hills stretch all the way from Powidz to Konin. They reach a height of 125 m above sea level, with relative heights of up to 20 m and slopes of up to 30 degrees. They have a varied relief, from distinct ramparts with a flat top to a couple of rising hills. The geological structure of these moraines is varied. Glacial gutters are particularly interesting due to their steep and high edges reaching up to 10-15 meters. They form a system of long, parallel lowerings. They contrast with numerous irregularly shaped ground moraine's outflow depressions.
The Powidz-Bieniszewo area is used both as a leisure and recreational area. Various hiking trails pass through there. The protected zone connects with the Warta valley through a series of terminal moraine hills throughout the Bieniszew Forest and the Meszna valley, with an artificial reservoir north of Słupca. The forest, Puszcza, is the remains of a large forest complex, preserved to this day, in part of the Głodów-Pątnów gutter. Among the forest hills we can find numerous small lakes. A great diversity of habitats can be found here. In the south-east, there is a rich oak-hornbeam forest and in the south-west and north-west there is a mixed forest, while in the central part is covered by a poor oak-hornbeam forest, ash-alder and alder riparian forest. In the area of the Bieniszew old growth several forest reserves have been established.
Obszar Złotogórski (The Golden Hill Area) - covers an area of 1890 ha. The western border, starting from the village of Tuliszków, runs through Żychlin, Brzeźno, along the Warta valley to Cichów, then through Nowa Wieś and other towns it returns back to Tuliszków.
The Złotogórski area consists of three hills. One of them, Złota Góra, reaches the height of 187 m above sea level and is the highest in the region. These are fissure forms that had formed during the Riss glaciation. They are made out of easily permeable sand and gravel sediments and are exposed to erosion near the deep surface of the groundwater. Therefore, the forests on the hills protect the slopes against landslides.
In the upper parts of the forest, the stand is old, with a predominance of oak prevails. The lower parts are covered with pine with a variety of oak, rowan, hornbeam and hazel. There are monuments of interest in it - among others: the ruins of the renaissance castle in Wyszyna, churches in the Old Town, Żychlin and Wyszyna, and manor parks in Brzeźno, Żychlin, Chylin and Grzymiszewo.
The Goplańsko-Kujawski area covers an area of 5789 ha. The western boundary of the area begins at the mouth of the Morzysławski Canal in the Warta valley and runs along with the canal to the north, through Lake Gosławskie, Ślesin and other towns, the Kujawsko-Pomorskie lake district, making a full circle to the Warta valley in the village of Koło.
This area belongs to the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Lakeland, it covers areas of various origins. Within its borders there is a marginal zone of the last glacial and fragments of the area covered by the Riss glaciation. These changes are most noticeable in the vicinity of the village of Mąkolno. The remaining area, with its youth-glacial relief, is the glacial gutters with lakes, ie the lakes Ślesińskie, Lichenskie and Lubstowskie, undulating bottom moraine with the upper section of the Noteć river; small patches of sander sand near Brdów and Piotrowice); and clusters of slotted forms. These areas are adjacent and thus contrast with the flat Kramski depression, carved by the retreating waters of the Weichselian glaciation. Among the vast, flat meadows there are inselbergs of upland "islands" with steep slopes.
This vast area has a very varied relief. Here we can see numerous lakes, river valleys, depressions with small forests and trees. The habitats of poor hornbeam forests dominate here, in the vicinity of Kramsk there is an elm and ash forest habitat, in the river valleys and gutters of lakes there are ash and alder riparian forests and alder forests, and in the vicinity of Lake Mąkolno, oak clusters. Generally, this area is characterized by low forest cover. In the vicinity of Wola Podłężna and Grąblin, there are several dozen-year-old oak forests mixed with pine crops with hornbeam and rowan. A similar forest cluster can be found north of Lichen Stary. Old coniferous stands dominate to a large extent, and they are also accompanied by young forests. Within the Protected Area there are two nature reserves: forest - Kawęczyńskie Brzęki and Nadgoplański Park Tysiąclecia.
The landscape is diversified by numerous lakes of natural origin and the so-called peat bogs formed after the exploitation of peat. Such relief is the effect of the marginal zone of the ice sheet. Rush and marsh vegetation is abundantly developing around the lakes and ponds.
In the village of Mąkolno there is a wooden church from the 17th century, while in Lubstów, a few kilometers away, there is a neoclassical palace and a baroque church. A particularly noteworthy monument is the Marian Sanctuary located in the village of Licheń Stary. Worth visiting are also: the baroque church with the monastery of the Pauline Fathers in Brdów; a neo-Gothic church with a wooden chapel of the 17th century in the town of Sompolno, as well as a dozen or so manor parks scattered over agricultural areas within the Gopla - Kujawy area. The richness of the lakes allows the use of these areas for recreational and leisure purposes. Recreation centers are located in the western and northern parts of the municipalities of Skulsko, Ślesin and Sompolno.